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Flux & Flow/Pole + Heels Lo Flow Choreo Workshops with Kirstie Ellerbee

Learn heel forward choreography focused on the lower half of the pole and the floor. Small details, weight distribution, using heel edges and the like will be highlighted. While this workshop is taught with heels in mind, students are welcome to wear their sexiest pair of socks. Kneepads required, layers encouraged &
L e a r n t o flo w a r o u n d t h e p ole wit h s pin s , t r a n sitio n s , a n d a c r o b a tic s. S t u d e n t s will learn sequences and choreography that will feature more dynamic movement. This workshop can be adjusted by request to be geared towards beginner, intermediate, or advanced dancers. Kneepads required, layers encouraged.

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